Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-12-03 - 2:44 p.m.


Sock it to ya..-uh.

I have found it!

I have found the answer to all your sock related questions, such as "where did my sock go?" and "Where did my sock get lost in the laundry?"!

It lies not in a bottle-uh. It lies not in a BIIIIble-uh.

OOOOOHHH NOo-uh. It lies solely on my


Behold the magnificance as week after mystifying week-uh, tubes and sport socks appear out of thin ari-uh, right in the middle of my living room.

By the Playstation.

BEHOLD and REVEL in the glory-uh of the thing I lovingly dub the Sock Portal to Our House from Your House-uh.

AMEN and HALLELUJIAH, We have found a way to corral your long lost...socks to our living room-uh and take them and CLEAN THE SPIRITS FROM DEEP WITHIN-uh.!

This truly is a blessing and a grace from above-uh.


Seriously, stop leaving all the damn socks around whoever you are.


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