Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-10-27 - 11:01 a.m.


Toilet Time

There�s a clock on my desk that ticks away angry and there�s four hands on it�s face and

I don�t really know why. One and two are the minutes and hours that pass as I sit here,

wondering where they all went. The third hand is seconds and runs in a sprint as it dashes

around and it jerks to quick stops. But the fourth one just sits, never goes forth in spurts,

never sneaks silently, never seems to react. It just sits there and glares like a knife in the

back, just poking out still with never a move. Does it represent months, does it represent

weeks? Does it represent years? Does it represent mood? Is there 7:00 and 15 seconds

with a side of Upset or October 15th? Does it stand for the state that the world�s in today?

Does it represent man�s final moment of life? What could you be there for, hand, as you jut out and stay? I see the seconds hand swirl like the waters of a toilet bowl�s rush as the time goes down the drain and I see you poke out like a stick in the mud. Why are you there and why am I here and will we ever see the answers to this?

Last Few

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