Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-01-26 - 11:39 p.m.


Meaning that it will never happen (the bridge thing and all)

"Come back to you
I've come back to you
I've come back, to you
like you've wanted me too
like you've wanted me, too
like you've wanted me to
want to show how I know
I've been wanting this too.

On the roads, on the road, I fold up without you
I hold onto held hopes that this leads me with you
I know I am just babbling `bout being with you
without you, without you, I'm just babbling

Words return to my lips; return to my lips,
return to my lips all the living they miss,
(limp like limbs from the dead - my bodies lie over
the ocean of my heart flushing, gushing and frayed -
trembling) with tenacious anticipation of fate."

-Rebirth and Renewal


So good to be back in Plattsburgh, only because 9 hour bus rides don't feel better than anything. The house is in tatters, with the water frozen in the pipes and the heat not doing much. It was funny, because I was watching the news in Brighton about a week ago and they did a piece on how you should keep your house warm and all that shit. And I said to myself "boy am I glad I don't have to worry about this."

And I did.

IT's rough when you have a week's worth of dishes to clean and no hot water to properly clean them.

Super Bowl. Fucking super bowl. Two teams I didn't give a shit about. A complete domination of the Raiders, with some last ditch effort at the end to come back turn into nothing but injury to insult. Or insult to injury. Whatever seems more fatal - losing the super bowl or loosing the super bowl by even more.

I've always wanted one of the hats that has the wrong team's name as the winning team, so I could test how fashionable completely sucking is.

Apparently, in my case, being an absolute waste of life the past god knows how long seems to have given me a look of absolute incompetance, which drives women wild. And by that I mean they drive far away in a wild manner, because no one wants a loaf of shit in their pantry.

School starts tomorro...motherfucker, SCHOOL starts tomorrow. It's been almost 8 weeks since I've had to say that line. Fucking shit. Let me look at this...10 AM! What the mothershit is that? I haven't been conscious before lunch time in weeks! Goddamn, now I have to actually LEAVE the house?

Goodbye Soul Reaver 2 and goodbye Spider-man. One of my classes has 12 books in it. Fat chance I'll be seeing you till there's a funny looking flat hat on my head and I'm considered under the tax bracket of "homeless" instead of "student".

Oooooo! There's a slice of pizza on the counter. Hot shit. Well, cold shit that will be nuked into hot shit. And by shit, I mean upstate pizza. Because it is.

And just a personal note, Boston pizza is not all that bad, but delivery pizza from Lowell is only good enough to use the box tops as plates. Which it also is.

I love the Molsten Canadian beer labels that say funny shit like "Help me christen my hot tub" and "Me love you long time". Beer can actually be witty. I never knew that. It can also taste like unwashed asshole. I learned two lessons today.

The house isn't full yet. This leads my pocket to tremble with fear, shaking at the thought it's about to be raped any minute by my landlord going "If you only have room for 5, you still have to pay for 6, fuck-o." The fuck-o will make tears then fall from my eyes, which will use the sharpest eye lashes available to stab themselves repeatedly while sending a signal to my hands to begin ripping my hair out of my head while my legs get the idea kicking things is fun. That's when I will loose all bodily control and soil myself from every possible way and then I will jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, which will be conviently moved to Lake Champlain breifly for just the right 10 minute period I need to get to the middle and jump into a box of explosives, which will ignite upon impact and shoot the Brooklyn Bridge back to it's proper place, welding the steel and brick back into place from the heat from the explosion.

And Oakland might have won the Super Bowl as well.


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