Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-12 - 11:56 p.m.


Summary of Lowell

So my synapsis:

Lowell is suffering from "wahtinthefuckisgoingonhereitis" or more commonly known as: everything I knew had been turned on its ear. People who were once dating were enemies, people who were once talking were fighting, people who were once nowhere close to each other last time were hanging out together and all sorts of other things (naughty things even... hehehehheeh. I get that one and you do. Let's keep it at that...unless you dont care)

But seriously, I'm a little confused. My Lowell Family was nothing more than a bunch of feuds and fights, breakups and movingons. As if every laugh and smile before was meaningless and non-existant.

What the hell happened to just having a good time together?

Don't get me wrong: I had the fucking time of my life this weekend. Oh god was that ever fucking needed, and from what I can see on, needed on both sides of the fence. I don't think anyone minded when I sang the wrong words to the first foo fighters CD in the shower, and I certainly enjoyed the official Belmo beerintheshower. That and the radio (but next time I bring mine. Your teeth should be shaking when you listen to music when you're in the shower. It makes you feel like your the singer a lot more if it feels like your in a concert...while its raining...and you're naked.... well ok, it works for me. F you for laughing.)

But seriously, as much fun as it was to see a snoop dogg porn and the playboy casting calls dvd, along with the gallons of alcohol we drank, I feel hurt seeing the social landscape in Lowell so segregated and estranged. There didn't seem to be this problem in Leitch...

Maybe it's because I've been out of the loop and I don't realize what the deal is, but regardless, I had a good time and even if things are different, they sure do seem to stay the same as well.


Saturdays spent wasted playing tony hawk 2, the common room being utterly filthy after friday night, the same old social dramas, and that feeling that only Sheehy can provide...

AS long as you remember where you are (thank god that pizza got there. I think he would have been pissed if he had to bring it to Mason Hall in Plattsburgh)

There it is: I admitted an F.

I get the F. I get the big flaming Fail.... nononoon wait FAIL (all caps).

Ok now I feel better...

Flags on the plays, dishing out F's, tag with the remote control and the almighty SLAUNCHA... Ishbu's grace smiles on the inebriated.

I learned just how much our actions affect other people and how much people can mean to you, even the smallest acquaintence, when taken away abruptly. I've seen the most beautiful sights going over waters, up hills, looking out of Allen House's balcony, out busted screen windows 5 stories up from history. I can hear the whistle still from the train tracks, as a ghost train carrying last semester's memories runs through the tracks behind Riverview, up north and into the back of my brain.

I tried to leave as much of myself as I could in Lowell, so that people wouldn't get so upset about me not there. This is not a pompous or selfcentered remark: the number one topic of conversation this weekend? when the fuck am I coming back...

Ask Rob Lynch when I'm coming back...christ ask him or Jay about anything I've done the last 2 months. They've probably heard so much from me that thier heads are still spinning.

So what does this all add up to?


In past we cherish and futures we plan
in smiles I measure how much I miss you
hours spent laughing or crying out loud
all melt together to form our kinship
Turn not blind eyes to times of your lives
or people who are more family than blood can provide
Always remember where you're from
and never forget what they've taught you.

I love you all and one time when I come back, it'll be even better.

Because one of these days, it will be for good.


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