Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-11-15 - 12:57 p.m.


I don't give a goddamn for your reading my porn transactions

I think I'll go to sleep again, never again worrying about nightmares while I sleep because they couldn't possibly be any worse than reality right now.

With terror as it is, with these people all over the world trying to hurt this country, I'd say they're doing a good job trying to spook us out. Since I changed my email from [email protected] to [email protected], I've had to endure going through Yahoo's homepage, which is always chock full of horrible headlines, headlines that make you cringe just reading them. People try to tell me everytime I bring it up "HEY! Don't think like that! If you get scared of the terrorists, then the terrorists have won!"

YOU FUCKING DOLT!!!!! IT'S THINKING LIKE THAT THAT MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR THE TERRORISTS TO STRIKE IN THE FIRST PLACE! Come on, seriously, is everyone that ignorant? Let's ignore the threats and promises of people so angry with us they flew planes into buildings to prove it the first time. OR THEY'LL WIN!!!!

And then this horseshit with the government proposing a database thing that watches all online transactions of the American people, trying to see if we can find terrorists behind all the phone sex bills, inflatable dolls, Wonder Knives, Anime porn, vibrators, nipple clamps and all other assorted unmentionables that the government will have to wade through to find the one guy buying plutonium on E-Bay from Baghdad. Isn't this battle about freedom? Isn't this the crusade for democracy, for treating people right? How the hell can you treat people this way and then expect it to be in the name of freedom? ENDURING FREEDOM? Is that what they meant: we have to endure their idea of what freedom is.

According to this new age belief of freedom, freedom is a government who talks out of the side of their mouth whenever they do something for the country, as well as doing things in the name of the public that we didn't ask for. "WE're going to find these people (by looking into your private, secured area of your life, sifting through your transactions to ensure that you're not doing things WE don't want) for the American People, because they deserve the justice for these crimes (that can only be gotten by infiltrating foreign countries without abiding by the laws and rules we've put up to prevent us from doing stupid impulsive moves like this.)

Does anyone else notice how our enemy changes everyday? Kind of like 1984? First, it's Osama. Osama, your mama. We're going to come and kill him. When George Bush was told on the 7th green during his month long vacation that we had no possible way to ever find Osama Bin Laden, we pretended he died in caves, becasue he was "hooked up to a dialysis machine, which we found, so apparently he's dead."

And then he makes some more home movies.

Saddam Hussein, who I like to represent Eurasia here, in the vein of 1984ishness, has returned as the enemy. Of course, it's funny that before we had one of the Bush's in the office, he was an ally of sorts, one we garnished with weaponry and power, which is now being used against us. Each time there's a Bush in the presidency, that man must say "OH fuck, now I'm going to have to live underground for 4 years. I say 4 years because Bush's don't make it to the second term."

And if this one does SOLELY becasue there's a crisis going on, that he's done very little in terms of resolving in any other fashion than blow those fuckers the fuck up, I'm seriously going to expatriate myself and move to motherfucking Canada or fucking Denmark or something. I'd rather live in the bottom rung of a foreign country if that foreign country isn't as fucked up as this place is.

You want to tell me that this is a great country, don't you? Well, before you spit random facts generated by morons about how great this country is and just what that flag you're waving stands for, jsut remember we were a country started by a bunch of dickheads who were persecuted in Europe for being a bucnh of stuck up shitheads who couldn't play well with others and were probably the least tolerant people in fucking existence. They went on to put Africans into slavery, something that to this day, despite all attempts of any kind to mend the offensiveness of this action, still tears this country apart at the seams. Although we never acted COMPELTELY like our forefathers as a country, and by forefathers I mean we never officially became some Imperial colonizing country like the countries our ancestors were booted out of, we've still managed to implant our consumeristic intentions into other countries too weak and poor to turn down the offer of letting us pay workers 15 cents a day so they can make shoes we'll sell for $125 here. We have found more ways to pollute and destroy the environment than any other country in existence, and this includes the fucking Industrial Revolution, which didn't even take place here until it was done over there, and also, we're the only country in the world to allow simpleton idiots to perform some menial task, like throwing a baseball or being able to make silly voices and face contortions, and get paid millions of dollars for it. As "tolerant" as we are, we can't wait to bomb the shit out of everyone who won't let us pillage their oil supply or their natural resources. Also, 70% the people in this country are overweight. We could feed every hungry person in the world with the food we WASTE, and we wave a flag like an idiot just to prove we're better than everyone else. Because we say so.

Stop getting on some super patriotic kick by waving your flag around and saying how much you love a country that you didn't give a flying fuck about before those buildings came down. To all people reading this (especially the ones marking me down in some book somewhere as being a terrorist because I'mspeaking my mind on how tired I am of all this. By the way, I'm not a terrorist. I'm an apathist. I don't give a shit about either you or the people trying to kill me and you.) let me jsut tell you that all I ever heard from people when they ran out of something to say was how terrible this country is, how it's going down the tubes, how it's being run into the ground. Think back. There WAS a time before 9/11 where you could actually think for yourselves and were actually allowed to hate this government. That's the point of democracy: if you hate it, speak up. It's designed open source like that so that we can prevent us from being led into slaughter by a tyrant. But think back to times you'd jsut sit around watching TV, with riots and all that other fun stuff going off in the media. The biggest news story used to be that a movie star was found with drugs. Now, you get to that after all the massacres and the businesses who cheated on thier taxes, everything that has raped this country of all the decency the Declaration of Independence tried to muster. We've completely stood on the face of the intentions for democracy and took a shit on the stomach of the right of way. We're through the looking glass here, in a world where even WE don't know how to handle what we've gotten ourselves into. The ALMIGHTY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! THE INVINCIBLE JUGGERNAUT, THE EMPIRE THAT WILL NOT EVER FALL! We're crumbling like fucking crackers underneath an army boot.

That being said, go fuck yourself.


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