Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-08-29 - 11:22 a.m.


I wish I was a little bit taller...

Let's play a numbers game, shall we?

How many people do you really say you know? Like, if you saw them on the street, they would recognize you and you could have a decent conversation with them? I dare you to list even 1000 people, and if you can, then I dare you to list 2000.

A Billion is 1000 million. There are 6.5 Billion people on the planet. Maybe more. I don't know if I can count many of the people, seeing as I haven't talked to many people I know in a while, but I think I would have somewhere close to 1000 at least and maybe as high as 1500.

At best, I know .00002% of the world.

Now, lets play a smaller version.

If there are 6000 people here and I only know about 25 to 30 at best, I still know only .5% at best.

So whats with this crap (I'm a writing major now, I shouldn't have to worry about math; damn engineering habits)?

Well, to put it plainly, it's tough to be somewhere you don't know anyone. Even with acting freindly, people here are a little cautious it seems to make friends, although I can be a loud bastard and thats off putting for some. It's weird coming from a school where everyone knows each other and hangs out a lot, to life in mediocrity. It was best put by the OLd School philosopher, Skee Lo the Short when he said:

"You that it's a shame when you live in a city that's the size of a box and nobody knows your name..."

You god damn right.


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