Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2005-08-18 - 10:16 p.m.


"Jeb, please block those reporters from my vision so I can sink this damn putt..."

To the face of the American people, he said the following:
"I think it's important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life."
And he said the following about talking to a grieving woman who has just sat at his door wanting to talk to him, only talk to him, about her dead son.
People can say that it's not safe for Mr. Vacation to stop riding bikes with Lance Armstrong and his remaining testicles. It's not safe because what if that woman has a bomb on her chest and wants to kill him. Of course, you might then argue that if that did happen, he got what he deserved because he's been sending boys with all but targets painted on them to their death for years now and he hasn't lost sleep over it.
You could also argue that the biggest reason Bush should never go near that woman would be because he'd eventually open his mouth and say something - anything - and you just know it would be the stupidest thing to ever come out of someone's mouth.
I mean, christ, he was angered with reporters for bringing up "serious business" while he was "recreating". It don't git mo stoopid den dat.
But then again, what can you do? We saw this coming a mile away. We have the perfect American president in the White House. The world is going to hell? We can't put cars on the road for less than $100? Prices will soar across the board because transporting goods has become too expensive? I think I'll just hide away in Crawford for a week or two, for the 6th time this year in fact

Bush has taken more vacation breaks than any other president in history, some of them even combined. This coming from the president who single handedly turned the entire world on it's head and plunged it into despair unknown since Hitler was still alive. You can't even remember a time when "terrorists" didn't exist, only they always have - they just never played such a vital role in things. He is hated by well over 2/3 of the world and almost the same amount of people in his country and not only did he steal an election and we all let him, we let him help himself to seconds. And I ask you this now - even with that ridiculous squeal he did, you still think Howard Dean would have been any worse than this?...

...and avoid the problem altogether.
We're still sitting idly by while gas prices swallow us whole, while countries around the world are THREATENED still (remember that whole Axis of Evil speech everyone cringed at? Well stop cringig and open your eyes - he wants to keep going down that list. Iran? Blow them up. North Korea? They're going nuke too - get rid of them. And you ask for him back too) while turmoil brews in other countries that we have put our footprints into and shaken up the anthill that used to lay dormant, while countries slowly shift history and we ROOT for a side (why do we have to bother even backing Israel on anything whatsoever? So our Muslim enemies can get even more pissed off? Hell, we have a president who says God Bless every 5 seconds - they already think this is the second coming of the Crusades and just remember who won those wars and think of who we would be today in the modernized version...) and idiots like me just sit around in their underwear typing on a wireless keyboard at their TV.
Or whatever your situation is.
I think we got what we deserved here. I went out and I voted for Kerry - it was all I could do to just get Bush out of the fucking 'House. Even with the idiot out of the way, he still doesn't call ALL the shots though and we've allowed the beast of Democracy to grow too big for it's tenders. We can't even get our voices heard by the man who should have listened to every single person who told him to stop what he was doing, that what he was doing was stupid and wrong and would even lead to a dead end. Shit, why do you think his dad never went through with it all the way a whole decade before it? We HAD Saddam Hussein in our hands if we wanted him the first time around. Bush knew it though - the shitty older one. He's not as dumbfuck as his son. His son followed the goddamn cheese doodles to the bear trap, ate each and every one of them and then let the damn thing come down on his head when he just HAD to go in and Shock and Awe the world.
The only Shock and Awe to come out of this all is that Bush was even asked to come back after sending us to hell. In fact, my favorite thing about this whole situation is that the people who re-elected the man are most likely the same that are bitching because he won't bring their boys back now. Fuck, I could have told you right off the bat this wasn't goin to work and I'm just some shithead with an internet connection. I wasn't briefed on the situation in Iraq - in fact, I've yet to leave the borders of my country except to watch a baseball game or two in Canada. FUCKING CANADA FOR GODSAKES!!!! And this is all coming from a man who has flown around the world a billion times to meet with the leaders of the world - this master plan to go in, kill the Iraq that used to exist, install a government that was NEVER EVER EVER designed to accomodate three religious groups that can only argue through killing each other and think that this all was going to be anything but turmoil, strife, more death and bitter resentment across the board.
We're looking at World War III here folks. Our idiot president will be looked back on in the annuls of history as the idiot that blew up almost everything you see. I guarantee it my friend. And if it doesn't happen, the schmuck that has to clean up after this frat party of an administration has their goddamn work cut out for them.
And where is the boy wonder behind all this mayhem? Playing golf in Texas as we speak, maybe even drinking despite all the bullshit he swore that he cleaned up his cocaine blowing, Kennebunkport drunk driving, no good failure of a life he led before.
Because after all, look at how much truth and grace he's shown us now.

Last Few

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