Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2005-07-06 - 9:53 p.m.


Fuck up all you want, fuck up

This is here because I don't want this blog to die, because I don't want this blog to evaporate off the face of the expansive internet, ever expanding everyday at the rate of stupidity and dullness unheard of in history. Sure, it's a hokey sack of writing, a pile of mental excrement. I've created TV shows, insulted the President of the United States of America Corp. and been that drunk guy you see at parties where people are drinking casually and playing Kenny G or Smooth Jazz so as not to insult anyone present, the guy who tries to put on death metal and spills his drink on at least 3 people just saying hello to people really loud. I've just let the words stream from my mouth like mental vomit, some kind of consciousness stream that explodes into some fragmented exasperation of the English language, full of horrible grammar and atrocious spelling, half of it done high, the other half done drunk and high. But you need to remember yourself at your worst. You need to know yourself at your bases. You should always know your notions at your most base moments because there is nothing more informational than your worst. The greatest handbook is your mistakes. The greatest teacher is the sum of your horrible failures. You will teach yourself and train yourself off of all the times you've slapped yourself in the forehead and went "OHHHHHHHH!" really loudly because you've figured out just how stupid you are and even then you will undoubtedly forget what you were learning in the first place.
But it doesn't hurt to try.

Last Few

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