Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-11 - 8:29 p.m.


Bush fuck

"Is it me or is it a little too stupid in here?"
-Me to someone at one point, I don't remember and I don't care.

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe the power, the ultamite power, of an office job and it's ability to suck all human will out of your body.

I wanted to go out tonight and my mom is like "EHHHHHHHHHHHHH We should pick up your father together as a family EHHHHHHHHHHHH".

Well, she didn't screech the EHHHH's. They kind of shoot off in my head when she makes this certain face and says things. It more or less means "I can tell you without a doubt that you will be doing whatever it is that just flew out of my mouth or I'm going to rip your soul out of your nose and shove it up your ass."

Tonight is the last night to hang out with Brian and everyone, which in all actuallity would have probably been the first one this break, sans New Year's. That one doesn't count because hanging out with your friends on New Years is like a STD.

It just happens.

But Brian lugs himself up to Notre Dame sunday and he's packing tomorrow and shit man, I miss way too much stuff.

At the same time, there are many Lowell people partying balls off in Massachusetts. Ten to one that if I went up there, I would have seen Darcie. That would have made this break a good one. Fuck that.

And here I sit, listening to my mother blabber on the phone, so that I can wait until 11 ish to pick up my father, so he can just go to work and ignore me. How can I be so happy and shit that he's coming back when the most conversational moment we had this break was this:

Dad: "So you're sick today."

Belmo: "Yeah, 102 fever."

Dad: "You should take medicine."

My father doesn't believe I'm capable enough to fight sickness. As if the action of taking pills far superceded my mental capacity.

I could be in Mass now. I could be with friends now. These are two things I needed this break that I never got. I never got to hang out with my friends because either A) they went to bars with fake ID's, got really drunk and either threw up or hooked up or B)I couldn't go out becuase I had to wake up at 5 am the next day for my mom's "2 day" (3 week) fucking office pet project.

It all comes full circle to the office job. Fuck that office job for all it's worth.

When I go back up to Plattsburgh, undoubtedly all I'll hear from people is "when are you coming home?" or "when are you gonna visit?" and I'll never see them ever because my life is set up in such a manner that I'm doomed to always "miss the best night, man". I'm always that guy people called up and say "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH... you missed it man. It was awesome." and when I get there "Sorry, I guess it's just a dead night. Should have been here last time man...."

I remember when I was the reason to be there last time. I used to fuck shit up and now I get to hear all about it. Like me messing up in Lowell inadvertantly fucked with fate and forever after I'm doomed to live a life that's never in the right spot. I'm forever the story guy.

My dad's plane pulls in to JFK at 11:30. I hope there isn't a bomb or something on it that makes this night even that more fucking ridiculous, because at this point I'm fed up with my shit, the terrorists shit, America's shit and every one else's. I wish that I wake up tomorrow and the front page just says "Bush says Fuck It. This is too stupid for words. We're pulling out and getting drunk."

That's a really long headline.

Ok, how about just "Bush: "Fuck" pullout leads to drunkedness"

That's better.


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