Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-09 - 1:23 a.m.



I declare war on Plattsburgh Belmo.

I have been here too long and have started to adapt ways that were once alien to me. These are extremely unBelmo things, such as getting angry like an idiot and being upset by stupid shit from crappy people, and must be eliminated.

So, as a result of this, I have declared war on Plattsburgh Belmo by forcing him to go to Lowell.

Oh yeah, it's time.

Within 20 hours from now, I'll be in Lowell and not a moment too soon.

Things are getting hot here and I want to get away to cool them down.

So I'm taking a Lowell vacation.

It's funny that I'll go somewhere I once got my education and have the timeof my life like it was a resort or soemthing.

Even if there's no party, it will be the happiest I've been in weeks.

I fucking love my life.


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