Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-02-02 - 12:27 p.m.


Finally rocking the vote.

I came here today to be peaceful and happy.

Instead I come here to congradulate George W. Bush.

Congradulations on being an absolute fucking moron.

I�ve been a severely outspoken anti-Bush person, disagreeing with almost anything he�s done since and even before he got into office. And now, now that everything has been played out, now that the 4 years (oh god don�t let them be the FIRST 4 years) is dwindling down, just as he�s about to either walk or stay put, he drops a proposed budget fixer for the coming year.

Let�s cut things so that we can spend more.

He�s cutting programs. He�s cutting �unnecessary budget expenditures�. What are these cuts, you might ask? Who knows. I don�t even think they�ll tell us what they do cut. I can bet you that it will be important enough to whoever gets left out of Bush�s plans. I can bet you that it won�t be expenditures towards military or wartime budgets. I can bet you it won�t include anything to help anyone who needs it and it will most likely hurt those that do need help.

Call it speculation, call it stereotypes of the leader figure. I don�t care what you call it. If you think Bush is doing this to help the country, you�re na�ve and deserve to get ripped off. Republicans as a whole have a mind of spend until the problem is solved when spending is most of the problem. Ask Bush where any of that 80+ billion he asked for (and got) for the military has gone? What did we do that was so great with all that money? We captured Saddam Hussein? Fantastic. He was totally worth 80+ billion. As well as hundreds of our own military lives. As well as tons of civilian lives in suicide bombings DAILY. We�ve taken a country that might have been crushed in the grip of a madman and now we�ve crippled it and brought it down to rubble, unable to establish any order whatsoever as people die in the crossfire daily. We�ve worsened a situation in a country that was terrible to begin with. Only Bush could be capable of that.

And what did it do in the long run anyway? We�ve worsened relations with predominantly Muslim nations (which is a terrible idea seeing how strong the ties to their religion are), we�ve created a hostility in this nation towards Muslim and Arab people in this country based solely on fear and ignorance and we still have to fear terrorist actions. Lately, you�ve been hearing a lot about planes being kept in airports due to intelligence that there might be attacks planned on those flights.

This is the same intelligence that has yet to find all of those WMD we hear so much about, the same intelligence Bush is trying to avoid anyone looking into so that they can test the quality and legitimacy of that said intelligence. You�d expect that much from someone who stole the presidency.

I initially wanted to come here today to tell you about my experience seeing Mini-Kiss, which I�m going to try to set up a slide show of here. I wanted to tell you about me upgrading this diary to a �super� account or �gold� account or whatever crazy name they give this crap. I wanted to talk about the Super Bowl and streakers and Janet Jackson�s boob. All of these things are pointless drivel compared to Bush and his shenanigans and I hope you see that. I hope you realize what is happening and what has probably happened in the past so many times over. We get caught up in this country with one thing after another � from awards shows that don�t mean anything to major sporting events that still don�t mean anything � and we get so caught up in this entertainment that has captivated headlines and attention away from real matters. Did you even know about Bush�s proposed budget? Did you even care? Do you care now at all? Most likely not, because we get into a mode of �It�s his job to do these things so let him�. We get lazy and apathetic because �there�s nothing I can do by myself�. I know this because I�m the same exact way, I don�t care a damn thing about the government because if I did, I would have voted. But this year, it�s gotten so that I finally have a stance, I finally want to voice my opinion. I want to shed away the apathy I have towards this situation and although I don�t really care for anyone on the Democrats side nor do I want to vote Independent (I trust Nader to run this country like I trust a serial murder to hold a knife for me and I don�t back neo-nazi campaigns along with a lot of independent parties) but I do know that come election day, I�ll be in the booth and I�ll pull that lever for the first time and I�ll slam that bitch down like a guillotine on Bush�s head because I�ll be damned if he thinks I�ll let him run this shit even further into the ground without me saying anything about it.

Bush, you got me to vote, just not for you.


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