Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2001-11-06 - 11:44 p.m.


A short description of this entry for the "older links" page:

Whats does a novicane numbed penis and Belmo have in common?

If you bug either enough, they come.

Well, it appears as though nothing short of divine intervention will stop me from being in Lowell this weekend...

Only problem is, everyone is leaving. Suckathon to the max.

Well, at least I'll get to see some people for a while, and no, I'm not coming back on Sunday, if people have off till Monday.

If I go home, I do it fucking right.

In other Belmo News, I won a KMFDM CD at my radio general meeting tonight. The people at the station make me want to gouge out thier eyes with a shitty pencil. I can't stand the fact that they try to belittle us and make us all look like fucking idiots. This is supposed to be fun; why do I feel like these people are dicks. That's no fun.

By the way, I'm signing on to teh Bannerweb to sign up for classes for next semester. It's nice to see that i still can. That I'm actually trying for once.

I've never tried in school ever. Now look at me.

I made a stupidity list. It's more or less a list of what I have to get done before I leave for the weekend. Fuck a doodle doo.

Yeah, I think I'll end off with that.



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