Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-06-14 - 1:42 p.m.


Way to go Captain Schedule

Nothing special lately. Got back safe from Utah and I've been running around as usual, unable to sit down for more than 5 seconds. I did, however, manage to pass out on Saturday for a few hours in the middle of the day, completely eliminating any chance to do a million things I had to do.

I have noticed one particular dilemma recently. I haven't hung out with many people I know in a long time. This is not intentional. I didn't go out of my way to stop spending time with people I am friendly with. I realize that I've not spoken or seen about 85% of the people I know that I still try to keep in touch with but apparently I'm failing at this. Some reasons include being in two bands, one of which is recording...

...Pretty Polly is recording. It's coming along fine, with all drums and guitars done. I lay shit down tonight, which is also fun. Vocals either tonight or sometime soon. Who knows. I could have a rough mix in my hand by tonight. Most likely - no, I won't have shit. But at least the bass will be done...

as well as going away constantly for trips with the Mortgage Press.

It also doesn't help that no one really calls me to hang out. It's not everyone's job to do so and in fact I've hardly called many people so I'm equally to blame, but when I see them online or if I run into them, I feel weird, as if I was insulting them by not speaking to them and the real reason that I haven't is because no reason. That's why. There's no reason whatsoever. I just don't have any time anymore it seems.

Hell, I haven't even done laundry in a long time. I haven't "Spring Cleaned" my room, which means there is dust all over everything I own. My room looks like an antique store vomited clothing all over itself. I bought myself a nice computer and I haven't used it for more than email and IMs since I've had it. I can't even play Playstation anymore because I don't have time. I haven't been able to finish my Al Franken novel because I don't have time to. In fact, the only thing I've done is leave my house. I don't think I've spent more than 45 minutes to an hour in my house while conscious each day. I wake up, put clothes on for 15 minutes or so, run out the door. MAYBE I come back that night to eat dinner, MAYBE I go to a band practice or two band practices, MAYBE I go hang out with a few people. But I'm never home. In fact, it's safe to say that if I didn't have to sleep, I'd never be in my house and that's a damn shame. Even if I had somewhere to live outside of my parent's house, it would be like a storage box with a bed in it. I'd never be there.

How did things get to this level? How did it get so that I have to tell myself "Hang out with people" as if it were a requirement or test? I miss a lot of my friends and there's no reason for missing them. I can just call them and hang out with them. Not tonight of course - I get to go play bass all night tonight with just enough time to change my clothes when I get home from practice and wolf down a quick dinner.

If I haven't spoken with you in a long time and you're reading this, call me. You have my number (I'll be damned if I give it out over my Diaryland diary). Shake the shit out of me. Beat me up with your words and remind me "Hey asshole, remember me? I used to talk to you on a daily basis. Stop by and say hello sometime" because honestly, chances are, I miss you and just haven't thought of calling you because I haven't had a moment to think in a long time. Push me around because I'm easy like that. I'm a pushover.

I apologize in advance to all those I've ignored.


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