Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-23 - 1:37 p.m.


Lopsided thunderstorm

What do you say to people who can't understand you?

Fuck you, that's what.

Yesterday, I went to the first meeting for the radio station for the summer. It was MY first meeting, but it wasn't the radio station's first meeting. Sorry guys, I only have to get out of school.

On the ride home, it was awesome because it was during a thunderstorm and it wasn't raining yet but you could feel it was going to any minute. I rode home on my bike with my MP3 player going, "lopsided" by ATDI came on and when it got to the heavy part the first time, I saw the first lightening bolt at the exact same time. I wanted to ride around in that storm all night, but thought that a lightening rod on wheels was a no go. Also, it was only in that small window of time that I could be happy riding around, the song set the mood and that moment rang out for me forever. What was I going to do, hit repeat and wander around Plattsburgh, trying to sync up an MP3 to a lightening storm? Besides, once it started raining, it POURED and if I hesitated any longer than I did, I would have been drenched.

Not that that's a bad thing. I love running around in the rain, but with the bike and the phone in my pocket and the mp3 player...foiled by technology. I cursed myself for having been toooooo techy for a simple bike ride, and promised myself that when it thunders like that again and the rain hasn't fallen yet, I don't care if I get shocked. I'm riding that bitch out.

But I don't want to damper the mood it put me in. I came home completely elated. I made a good joke on my way out, putting the "unnecessary" paper work for WQKE in my "To Do pile" (stupid bills that didn't need attention in the garbage). And that one moment, the lightening, and the breeze and the song and the feeling I got from it...it just set my night in motion.

To do nothing but read.

Yeah, I've become boring as hell. I've become some boring ass version of myself, but there's no one up here to hang out with. I can't hang out with the same 3 people (mostly because they have work to do, and other people constantly hanging out with them. They don't need a fucking circus with them at all times). I'm not bitter about this; in fact I'm happy. It's shown me that I can stand being alone, even in big doses, and that I can do more with myself than just play GTA2 (no, not 3. I'm not fucking rich enough to play that. Or even at all) when it comes to entertaining myself.

If only I had something PRODUCTIVE to do. Even though I am writing a movie and whatever comes from that comes, I feel like I'm just wasting my time here, and that the 2 hour class (which is an average 1 to 1 1/4 hours long) is stupid and does not take up enough of my time at all. I needed a job all summer and I had nothing at all. I couldn't find anything decent, where I'd get paid at least a less absurd amount for the work than fast food. Note: I do not consider Subway fast food.

It's damn good food. I just wish it was a damn good job that I had.

This morning, I woke up to a backhoe fucking up some sidewalk...at 7:30...right outside my window. And when I mean right outside, I mean I could tell the T-shirt brand the engineer was wearing. It was literally as though someone was fucking up sidewalk at the foot of my bed, that's how close it sounded.

All of my apartment complex is getting ripped up RIGHT NOW, as in as I speak, someone is hammering the asphalt out with a big yellow arm and laying down blacktop (if it isn't raining).

We didn't even get anything in the mail to warn us. The only warning I got was *CLANG CLANG CLANG!*

IF they think I'm not getting my deposit back, they can kiss my ass.

I'm captivated by this online photo gallery that someone posted on Pbase.com. A lot of these people take stupid pictures, some of them thousands of stupid pictures. Literally. But this guy takes awesome pictures.

I think I'll go download them all.


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