Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-02-18 - 6:26 p.m.


That fucking guy

Can someone tell me just what the fuck is going on?

So I'm sitting there, right? and this fucking guy is talking to me, right? So I says to the guy, I says "Hey, what the fuck is up wit dis snow?" but not like dat because I'm a fucking gentleman. So this fucking guy is all blah blah about the white shit and then my ears pick up a song I used to fucking know. Back inna day, when I was a little punk, the good kind, not like punk like mamaluke or something, but back inna day I was in this band, right? and fucking we played with this other band Rookie Lot, who fucking became these motherbastards the Brand New. Well, I think it's just Brand New but that's not the fucking point, the fucking point is that these fucking guys I remember these fucking guys when they were shit on crap. I remember seeing these fucking guys with like the Movielife and Taking Back Sunday in some sweaty bar for 7 dollars, right? and I remember playing with these fucking guys at the rec center in my fucking town. SO I hear them on MTV and shit and now I'm like badda bing badda boom this shit is all sorts of crazy.

Was it really necessary to turn Long Island into the next big LA when it comes to bands? They must think we shit gold there because after glassjaw, then movielife, then reunion show, then brand new, then taking back sunday then...



Last Few

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