Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-08-11 - 9:22 p.m.



I have just finished writing about half of the book and I finished off Randply, the best character I have ever created in my life. He's just this old man who runs a magazine that gives a job to the narrator of the story and he turned out to be one of my best characters due to his quirkiness. He's silly and he seems like one thing and by the end of it all, he turns out to be this really deep character from this insanely shallow one that he starts out as. He is pretty cool and if I had a boss like him, I would thank god everyday because he is funny as all hell and he's also imaginary so it doesn't matter. I'll post a few chapters pretty soon because I'm coming towards the close of this and I want to share as much as I can with everyone but at the same time, this is far from over and even after I finish writing this, I still have to clean it up and make it hum. It's comong along very nicely and I've stuck to the requirements perfectly, not allowing the story to become self significant. I want this story to be everyone's story and I want this to not be about me because that's too shallow for me and just not enjoyable for anyone. I don't think anyone would want to hear about what I would envision the best unrequited love becomes requited story that I could think of to be. So, I went even further from it and kept it unrequited. He takes it all the way to the grave, which is only part of the story.

I also have found that I hate to write linear stories. They are drab and are nothing more than "He walked into the room. He walked into another room and later on, he did stuff to things and people that did other stuff to things and people that affected him and then he came home and went to bed. The end." There are many ways you can go from A to Z, but why not start at Q and skip to B and then go to Z and then backtrack to H? You're sure to hit A B C D and so on along the way - why not tell it in a way that is at least interesting?

Also, the first person to third person transition as well as the fact that you never know the narrator's name is working out really well. I find that it's more fun to talk about "yourself" without 'talking about yourself', since using a narrator that tells a story about himself is like talking about yourself in a pirate voice and pretending you have a parrot on your shoulder and that's just a fun game. Only, in this book, there are no pirates and the only parrot...who am I kidding, there are no parrots. But I do get to speak in another voice and even try on beliefs that aren't my own and try to argue in them because even if I don't agree with what I'M saying, if he would say it, he would say it and it helps to reinforce my beliefs. If I can think as another person and use another person's voice and thoughts and still believe after I'm done with everything in exactly the same way I always have, I'm either stubborn or comfortable with my thoughts in a way that I am well aware of myself as a person and therefore as a character in life. And if I can do that, I can create life anyway I want in infinite other stories and that makes me happy, because the first thing that happens when I finish a story I'm writing is I begin a new one and if something awesome happens with this book, like it getting picked up by someone and distributed, then I have no choice but to keep writing and see where it takes me.

I'm going to go back to writing now because I just got about 15 billion ideas talking about ideas I've already had and I've already lost about 10 billion of them already and I have to save at least 100 to work with. I go from 15 billion to 100 and usually only 4 are good and only 2 work. So, let me save these 2 good ideas I have now and finish something for you to read.



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