Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-02-17 - 11:51 p.m.


NY vs. CT: Sometimes the best (wo)man doesn't win



Granted, I like Weezer. And also granted, I expected them to put on a good show.

But this show was fucking nuts.

The whole day was fucking nuts, who am I kidding.

Between constant talking about tampons, getting lost in Albany and scalping tickets, this show was a pain in the ass to get to.

NO, that wasn't an allusion to the tampons.

Let me just set it straight when I say that Weezer, although some of thier songs are calmer and jsut kind of slowly rock, rock harder than most motherfuckers I've ever seen.

And Rivers Cuomo has a fucking beard. It freaked me out.

Osma opened up with Saves the Day. We missed Osma, which I didn't cry about because I don't like them too much. Saves the Day is boring too, but they came out to Slayer's "Raining Blood", which made me laugh because I knew that as soon as that double bass faded out, there was nothing but Tear Shedding Heartache therapy ahoy! And lo and behold! I was right.

I hate being right about things.

And then Weezer came out. They started with Island in the Sun, which made me go "guh?" because that doesn't strike me as a starter song.

Then they proceeded to play everything I came to hear, including the Sweater Song, Tired of Sex, My Name is Jonas, Good Life and they closed with Surf Wax America. When they shot a 20 foot smoke cloud into the air for Hash Pipe using a smoke machine and a floor fan, I lost my shit. That was fucking funny. At the end, they pumped enough smoke into the arena to completely cover the first 100 feet or so of the crowd. It was one of the sickest things I've ever seen in my entire life.

The stage show wasn't the only good thing to watch. At one point, the crowd ripped up sections of the floor boards that covered the ice for the Pepsi Arena, crowd surfed it up front and people got on top and surfed it. One crazy fucker did a flip off of it. I've never seen something that fucking sick in my life at a show...

Wait, no, I saw someone in I don't remember what band do a handstand on top of a bass case on a crowd at a Warped Tour like 3 years back.

God my head is a wreck now.

A surprise cameo tonight goes out to Mal Sapoff, who I haven't seen in damn near 3 years. She parked like 10 feet away and was walking back with my sister when I was waiting in my cousins car with Bridget.

You probably don't know who Mal is.

As a person, you make a lot of choices in life and they take you down roads you never can see coming ahead until you're already there. You look back and wonder where other roads would have taken you and you look on to see where you're going, always in wonderment as to what could have been.

Mal was one of those roads I wish I took.

3 years ago, I started dating Amanda and it just kind of happened, but I really wanted to go out with Mal. I even told myself that as soon as that particular Christmas Break was over, I was gonna take her aside after a Music Theory class and ask her to go out with me.

And then, that New year's eve...well you get the picture. IT didn't happen.

Instead, I dated someone in possibly the single most traumatic experience in my life and I just kept bitching about it all the time. IT was "Amanda did this" and "Fucking I hate it when..."

All to Mal.

And the whole time, she looked back at me and I could kind of see in her eyes that she was pissed that I didn't ask HER. And I was pissed too. So many times did I just want to kiss her right there and jsut be like "Fuck Amanda".

But she (Mal) meant more to me than just leaving a girl for her. I mean, besides, I DID have some feelings for Amanda at that point and if I went on a gut instinct and dumped my girlfriend and went after Mal and she said "ehhhhh go away" then I'd be lost.

I've seen enough movies/TV shows/tragic love stories etc. that I knew where THAT road would lead me.

So I took the easy way out, stuck with Amanda and made the next year and a half nothing short of interesting.

Don't get me wrong; although Amanda drove me crazy, she also drove me crazy, if you know what I mean. Drive me crazy like Britney Spears, not like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

I'm willing to bet that was the first time that sentence ever existed and I feel ashamed for spawning such a digusting bastard child.

But I digress...much.

So now I got this amazing concert to remember, but I'll remember seeing Mal more than River's beard or planks surfing or Saves the Day sucking.

It's a lonely road these days.


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