Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-05-01 - 12:29 a.m.


Rodeo Drive

SO tonight was the show at Fox hall. The one with Will and the Roller Hoasters and Spogga. And it was amazing. Spogga is some fucked up shit and Will is always amazing.

I needed to get out tonight. I also needed to vent like crazy too. I must have talked off @ndy's ear till it was ragged all the way from one side of Lowell to the other about my bullcrap. It's not really something he had to go through, but I'm glad someone actually listened to it. And I wish that made it go away, but it really just makes it easier to take.

Also had an interesting conversation with Haas today (see, most people will never get who these people are and some will. And some actually are these people and they can smile because they made it into my diary...either that or get pissed off. You know, either or). It was about bullcrap too. It seems like I have a lot of bullcrap in my life. As a matter of fact, I talked with Ash too. Same bullcrap as always. Shit, all I do is complain... and here I was thinking no one paid any attention to me.

So yeah, since I had the extraoridnary help of 3 people to listen to me go blahdiddy blah blah, I don't think I need to blah now on my diary. I think I'll just go to bed, try to think out what I'm gonna do about this bullcrap and maybe (just maybe) get some rest. Rest isn't easy with the smell of bullcrap in your head though. Christ, it's like a fucking rodeo in my head now.

Heheheheheh I said "rodeo".

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