Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-06 - 2:54 a.m.





At 9 PM.

Everyone is invited to help me write the bio for my poetry book.

I can't talk about myself, becasue frankly I couldn't tell you one good thing, so I'm just gonna make it up.

But through brainstorming with JJ, I've decided to make it a hands on experiment.

So if you want a chunk of this, be online with an AIM name, and IM Belmonaut tomorrow night. I'll invite you in and we'll all put one line to it at a time and make up this past for me. It doesnt even have to be real or even deal with me at all. You dont even have to know me well, or at all even. It's free form, but it's only 3 paragraphs at like 5 or 6 lines per paragraph, so if you are really interested, get in fast.

Everyone who submits gets thier names in the thank yous and if I can afford it, I'll probably give you a book.

Don't hold me to the second part.

But this is serious. I can complement everyone I know, but for some reason I can't talk about myself at all. It's like this stupid disease I have.

Well, anyway, yeah, tomorrow night. I'm gonna have to post this here too for those that miss out.

This is gonna be fun.


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