Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-08-25 - 6:51 p.m.


Back from Plattsburgh

I just got back from Platsburgh last night after a week of spending time with Erin and I'm planning on moving up there if I can. I've been looking in Boston, in NYC and all over the Island and I haven't found shit and it's really cheap up in Plattsburgh (a $350 a month apartment would go for $700 at least down on the Island) and I wouldn't mind being with Erin if I could.

It was a pretty interesting week and I had a ton of fun, considering the fact that for the first few days there was barely anyone there and we didn't do all that much. I didn't get to see Shpunt or Stevo, but I got to pay off the cable bill and at least that is out of my hair now.

So now I'm looking at moving. I hadn't really thought about it and to tell the truth, I thought it to be something way further down the road than now as something I'd even consider, but it actually makes sense. I mean, if it's easier to get a job up there, and it's cheaper and I get to be with some friends as well as with Erin and I get to move out of home, I don't see the problem with it. Even if I fail, I could still come back home and I could just start all over again. And I would have a few months or whatever I work towards experience.

Either way, whether I stay here or go upstate, I'm going to need a job. A good job. Or the best I can find. Or any.

There must be something out there.


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