Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-04-12 - 11:18 p.m.


What the helll? That's not Pamelaoooooooh my fucking godf!qwef23k`1k <---- (barfing)

Goddamn it! MTV!!@!!@#$!@#!

You know what? The next time I'm tired of watching the same goddamn thing or if my show goes to commercials, I'm not going to do a goddamn thing.


That means I have to watch repetetive announcements from companies and movie stars trying to get me to give them money. I'll have to see erectile dysfunction commmericals followed by penile enlargement commericals and try not to laugh myself into vomiting. I'll have to be endured to the onslaught of the whim of any company who has enough money to get their message across to us by a machine we even pay money for and pay money to make work.


But instead of worrying about any of that, I wouldn't have a repeat performance of what happened tonight.

The problem with MTV is they don't know when to stop, even after they've hit the bone on the horse on the ground. There are reality shows that might serve some purpose.

No wait, there are none that serve any purpose.

But of all of the 'dramas' to exist on television today, one shouldn't be this.

It shouldn't be I want a Famous Face.

You don't want to know about I want a...

ok well you should know about I want a Famous Face.

And I'm going to tell you.

Let's say you had no soul. Just outright devil fodder for a soul. Totally gone, totally sucked right out through your nose with a bendy straw like in the clown box. You couldn't possibly give two shits about morals or ethics or simple human morality. And let's say that to entertain you, someone thought it to be peachy keen if they cut open an 18 year old girl and tried to make her TRIEEEEED to make her look like Pamela Anderson. TRIEEEEED. I say that elongated again. Fucking nature couldn't make Pamela Anderson into Pamela Anderson - that's why she got the plastic surgury to begin with. So they take this YOOOOOOOOOOOUNG girl, too young to realize that "You know what? These fake titties aren't like earrings, are they? Noooo they're in there pretty tight." They'll take a fake titty bitty and make her parade around like a Playboy bunny. Because she wants to be like Pamela Anderson.

And MTV funded, filmed, marketed, produced and aired the entire thing.

Imagine a cousin or a sister like 18 years old. And then imagine watching MTV and finding out that Cousin Darlene got her face poked with a vaccum cleaner for fat under her skin and then got her lips sliced open to inject collagen along with her titties going from a struggling A cup to a babyhangingfromyournecklikeanecklace quadruple death D cup, all with bags filled with salty ass water and a grinning doctor, stuffing ungodly amounts of devilish sin into a small girl's chest and wondering if this scar against the face of the human race's operation - subsidized by the budding people at the Music Television(Viacom) - will now buy him a porsche or a BMW.

Or maybe he owes alimony and child support or he has a huge coke habit that no one but his "pharmacist" knows or maybe he likes to buy plane tickets to other countries to have small children molest his privates. Who knows. But I tell you one thing. You'd feel like that guy probably clubs seals in his spare time because if someone can rip open a child like that and think it a job well done, he's more of a monster than a doctor.

...And the entire time, you know you'd be like "Damn, my cousin just got some big ass tits," but then you see her all mauled up and you realize "HOLY FUCK THEY DO THAT TO GIRLS!??!"

I'm sure they have one for guys. Either that or they can just follow what the commercial's selling them.


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