Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-05-06 - 2:31 a.m.



Well today was very interesting. After getting over the fact that I damn near killed myself, I lept out of bed to go celebrate Derby Day (which more or less means watch the Kentucky Derby). Today was a test of limits. I climbed a tree till I could climb no more, I scaled rocks until it was impossible to go any further, I let my heart soar as I rode in the back of a convertible and let my soul explode with happiness. Then I shot a whole bunch of people with lazers. It was amazing.

And I finally got to have a good time for once without trying. I played capture the flag for the first time in YEARS (almost a decade, damn I'm old) and I felt truly happy just being irresponsible and running around like a kid. I felt free. It's a shame I have ugly shoes...

Things are looking so different to me these days. I don't enjoy what I used to love anymore. Crawled my way into the bottle, now time to crawl out. My spirit has been dumbed down with all its silly and trivial faults. No more of that for me. No more.

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