Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-10-04 - 10:10 a.m.


And then....

It's friday, the end of the week and it's been a rough week, and next week isn't getting any less rougher and time goes so fast and things are real slow here and everything's moving around way too much and I don't think I want to be here anymore and my parents are coming up today and so is my sister and I think they'll be pissed when they see where I sleep and eat and I'm sure that they'll go home and be really put off by the fact that I'm trying my hardest and still failing and I'm really really tired all the time and I have no idea how to change that and there's no way to know what to change unless you already knew what's wrong and I do not and it's killing me and all I want to do is just get on with life already and get away from this grading and monotonous work that means absolutely nothing and just work and get some money to do the things I love and see the world and escape from the run of the mill shit and finally for once be what I want instead of making this person happy or that person happy and getting pissed off because no one is happy and they should bring back Family Guy because damn was that a funny show and we need something nowadays to remind us that life is big and dumb and should be mocked and made fun of and laughed at as much as possible because there's simply no reason we're here at all except to breathe and fuck.

And that's all I have to say about that.


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