Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-06-18 - 11:09 a.m.


Yet another rant about school

I'm getting sick and tired of school already. This is a topic that constantly comes up in this diary, as well as everyone else's bitching as well, but its the damn truth. I'm fed up to puking with school and the day I leave all of school-kind is the day I run through the streets naked, waiving a diploma, with "Fuck School" written on my ass cheeks as I run rampant, laughing till my head explodes and I'm collapsed on the ground.

Or I'll just get drunk. You know, either or.

It's not so much the work or the classes that bother me. NO. Shit, if I'm worried about work now, wait till I get a job. No, it's the whole AIR of school that gets me pissed.

I get annoyed at being labeled a "student", something that seems to hold a negative tone with some people. Like the "stupid college students, dont know what they're talking about" or "what's your job. Student? isn't that like being homeless?"

I've heard both of those comments before. I find ignorence is the funniest thing in the world.

But I don't think it will get much better if I do stop being a "student" and start being a "graduate". Then, I'll just be a "young wiseass who thinks he has all the answers" or "actually homeless".

Damned if I do, damned if I don't, damned if I don't care.


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