Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-06-10 - 9:51 p.m.


Glug glug glug glug glug glug glug

Well, one more day dead, oh so many more to go.

Unless I die tonight from some crazy mishap. Which, knowing how things are going lately, wouldn't surprise me.

Actually, there's barely anything lately that has surprised me. I've been through all sorts of personal trials and shit that have made me nothing but a wreck and here I am, half drunk and bitching to the cyberworld about it. I do know that as soon as this summer is over, I will drink until my liver dies or until beer shoots out of my nose, which ever one happens first or causes the other to happen. F this summer, F this summer in it's swollen purple asshole. I'm having some good times with some good friends, but shit, if it was up to me, I'd be relaxing a lot more than this summer has allowed me to do. I can count hours of sleep I've had this past week on my hands. ON MY FUCKING HANDS! How sad is that shit?

Well, I don't count last night. I slept from 6 PM Sunday to 7 AM today because there's something about absolute dehydration and total drunkedness that calls for sleep. I don't know. But even through all that sleeping, I still owe myself some sleep.

This is a Belmo taken almost to his breaking point. What? It's only the second week of classes this "semester"?



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