Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-08-28 - 10:19 a.m.


MY house is a very very very odd house.

I think it's funny to see a banner ad "game", a game everyone is supposed to "win" because it's designed to draw people into a big vacuous hole of debt after some dickhead steals your credit card numbers when you go to buy your X10 webcam, say this:


and not be flashing.

This is the same exact thing I have just gone through with moving into my house.

Granted, it's spectacular. Oh, it's huge. It's humongous. There are 3 fucking floors, and there's even a (realllllllly fucking out of tune) piano there.

But it's a dive.

Oh, there's parking and there's 2 bathrooms and there's a big kitchen and it's furnished.

But it's a dive.

Don't let me mask my true thoughts of my house though. It is a kick ass house, capable of mulitple floors of mayhem and a bunch of kickassitude. If painted and straightened up, the house would look like something the parents of a nice 5 or 6 person family would actually buy for themselves and thier children.

But right NOW, it's a fucking dive.

The furniture is all beaten, the washer and dryer was stolen, the screens on our "luxury" porch are beaten in, the basement smells, the toilet leaked profusely all over the floor this morning, the walls have huge holes in them, there are places I would never step on on the carpet, the shower downstairs sucks dick, the shower curtain downstairs is disgusting, the kitchen floor is all scuffed up and messy, almost everything we use there that we didn't bring is hurt, broken or destroyed, the electrical outlets in the house are older than Bea Arthur, the neighbors are psychopaths and my landlord likes to stop by when we're sitting around smoking.

And it's STILL better than the dorms.

I also forgot to include the fact that we're a half an hour walk from campus. This, although an annoying thing, is certainly not a bad thing altogether. For one, I can party in the party part of town and sleep in the quiet part of town. I can also stop by everyone else's apartment on my way back to mine, to visit friends and spend time with people in thier own homes before I head back to my house to play dice war with Steve-o or go out fishing with Shpunt.

I really don't have that much else to say. Classes are the same thing since I've been going to this crazy path of insanity called schooling. They suck. They really really suck. I don't want to go, I don't want to be there, I can't wait to leave. I sit there and I listen and I pay attention randomly and I know perfectly well whether or not I'm going to do well in that class or if I'm going to dick around because it's a waste of my time. I've seen everyone I can think of here, I've gone to everywhere I wanted to visit as soon as I got back. I've been up here already so I'm already tired of Plattsburgh.

So there's really nothing else that's new.

I think I'm gonna go buy a smoothie.


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