Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-06-24 - 6:07 p.m.


Tripped out

I am really hurting today. This weekend, I managed to do things I never do, such as run around town legally insane for a few hours and stare at clouds for another few. And stay up for even more hours. Yesterday, I couldn't even get out of bed to go to help my aunt, something that by itself has been draining enough aside from my new dietary addition. Boxes upon boxes upon boxes run through my head, haunting me like a ghost to Pac-Man. I feel like I'm running in the same circles as him, the same paths over and over again.

That's a terrible metaphor.

But it's true. I played well over 8 hours of video games yesterday after job hunting, taking my mom's skirt to the dry cleaners, and taking all the air conditioners down from the attic, which really fucked me up because they're heavy.

But not as heavy as 200+ boxes of 80 pounds worth of files from my mom's company.

All day, today, in 95 degree weather, I had to carry these boxes TWICE, once to a driveway and again to a dumpster. It should have been once, but some lady left her car in the driveway and the dumpster returned later on. 2 1/2 hours late. By the time it got there, I was tired from sitting around waiting for it after lifting all the boxes the first time and the temperature had shot up 15 degrees.

God bless needing money.


PS Hello Zorick.


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