Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2005-01-06 - 1:23 p.m.


Grow up.

There are many distressing things in the world.
Right as we speak, an entire country of the middle east (in fact, many of them) have been blown to pieces by our weapons to attack people who did not even do what they did for that country but rather in it. We swept through that area of the world and laid waste to it. Each day, as people vie for domination amongst each other, they ensure the steps we have put in front of us to grow back the tranquility of this nation is impeded daily by acts of atrocity. Imagine your graduation from college, after hard hours of work and toil, after years of training cut short by a coward lighting a fuse off in a Subaru as you and your family come out and get torn to pieces. Now replace the word "college" with "police training". That happened to a couple dozen of people just two days ago. The people who brave the fear of starvation by trying to feed their family through swearing to protect a nation that can't even decide to act as a nation will be mowed down by gunfire, car bombs, violent beheadings and street executions, rioting and booby trapped trickery just to prove a point. One guard for an oil company said he is coming to grips with his death because if he does not do his job, his family will surely starve because he will lose his job and almost ensure that he will never get hired again because of his dissent. If he does his job, militant sneaking dogs with a grudge or nothing better to do will come and kill him as he defends a pipeline full of oil he'll never use anyway and his family will still starve or possibly be a casualty of one of our raids on their neighborhoods trying to eradicate the 5 or so people out of a town full of hundreds that are trying to kill our troops. We will undoubtedly kill 2 dozen "free" and civilian people who have no association to this squabble besides the fact that a iron fisted madman who used to siphen their country's wealth so that he can piss in a toilet of gold while 3 women wipe his ass is now replaced with gun toting, grudge holding, bored and power hungry militants bent on getting a piece of the pie that Saddam once had, namely all of it. In a part of the world that was supposedly erased of evil the day that Saddam was captured or maybe it was the day two of his sons were shot or possibly it was the time we found Chemical Ali, but whenever it was, that Mission Accomplished sign blew free and only signified one thing - we did it. We certainly got ourselves in way over our heads.
While that whole thing is going on (and will go on, for many many years to come and they will come) a freak act of nature in the Indian Ocean reminds all of us just how worthless we truly are by showing utter disregard and abandon for humanity by wiping it off the face of the Earth in one part of the world. If the rampant prostitution and warlord travesties didn't claim the lives of the impoverished people there before last week's flood came by and eradicated the bundle of leaves and twigs they called home, they got pulled out to sea by the watery hands of nature and eaten, the rest left to count the bodies washing ashore as they died in rotting food, spoiled water, blistering sun with no shelter, rampant disease and very little way of repairing what's been done. In an attempt to right nature's wrong, we've banded together as a global community to try to bolster some kind of relief support, but the only thing we can pay attention to is "Well what did YOU give? Who cares what we gave - we always give and we give plenty. What did YOU GIVE?" while millions wait to eat the rice you didn't feel like touching last night at dinner. Or the peas. Or the potatoes or half the steak or even most of your drink because you had filled up on junk food playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas until the middle of the night. These things happen.
I left to go to Arizona for New Year's Eve to spend some time with Tiffany. Sure, I got food poisoning from chicken served in the food court in JFK but despite this set back, it was a great holiday weekend and made me happy.
Until I came home.
Go worry about other things than talk. Talk won't kill unless you give it power. And betrayal? And backstabbing? And talking shit? And doing shit? Save it for enemies.
You'd think everyone hated each other or something.

Last Few

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