Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-08-17 - 1:52 p.m.


First Final Blowout at the Expo Center

"Your excellency, I think I'd like to be sent to Guang Sho, so do you have any good advice to give me?"
"Hmmmm...It's important to remember the 4 rules of strength and of laughter. The rules of strength are...to always repay debt...to flatter people...to get along and to support. As long as you remember those rules, you'll never have any trouble becoming a prosperous and wealthy man."
"Ahhhhh...uhhhhhh and the laughter rules?"
"They are to lie, to cheat, to steal and to intimidate."
"I see what you mean, you just can't go wrong with rules like that, can you? HAHAHAHAHAH"
"Urrrrrm, I see you already know how to flatter..."

-Words of wisdom from the old school version of "Iron Monkey" (the not Jet Li one that I downloaded).


What a fucking 24 hours mang.

Not only did I get to spend some time with my mom, someone who misses me more than anyone else in the world and had yet to spend more than 5 minutes with me until yesterday, but I got to see Tape, Corey B. and Scott from the 311 Stevens rock in my neck of the woods. I also saw Erin and she's fucking funny as hell.

Then there was this girl with cleavage. That was breastacular.

But all in all, it's nice to finally see some Lowellians as well during break. I mean, family is one thing, but FAMILY is another altogether. Plus, the show did as it was promised, as in it rocked my face. Comedy acts....ehhhhhhhhh. Silly? Yes. Hilarious? At times. Comedy? Sort of. But still a good time.

Tape and Corey also slept over, because 4 hours to Lowell from NYC at 3 AM is just not appealing. Scott hit up Brooklyn, which is where I am heading today to see @ndy and therefore add to the Lowell content of my weekend. It's good to see everyone again, it's good to be home and out doing things again. I missed this so much.

On another note, I got to retrace some of my steps through NYC with Erin and Tape when we decided that walking 20 blocks for a slice of pizza was better than rubbing up on a bunch of strangers in an overheated and overcrowded theatreish thing. I got to put my hands on the old Coney Island High building, the grinning face of the devil in the suit still shining out. I held a lot of memories in that area of the city. Seen a jazz show at Club Fez with Nick, Labbe, Greg and @ndy - more Lowell friends. Drove to the city before I had my permit even just to pick up comic books (and not just comics...THE comic...Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Thanks Jhonen.) at St. Marks Comics with my cousins and Brian Mc when the Bouncing Souls show got "ended" by a big Nazi looking bouncer beating the shit out of an 18 year old.

We also got a ride from another Lowell blast from the past, Jacob. In a bikeshaw. That's like a bike rickshaw. It's also like awesome.

All in all, I couldn't ask for a better weekend so far and although it's barely been Saturday, I know I'll be happy remembering this weekend for a while, because it's been the only thing about the summer that has been good.

That, and I got a fucking gallon of Dairy Barn Iced Tea, bitches.

You just can't fuck with that.

"What does Snoop Dogg clean his laundry with? Bleeeeatch!"


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